2463 Kuhio Ave. Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
Mon-Sat 9am - 4pm

Find Affordable Car Rentals on Oahu

Rent cars starting as low as $59 per day! Call and ask about our seasonal pricing.

Find a car perfect for your family

We offer rental cars of all sizes at affordable prices. Call us for information on exclusive deals and discounts. Our wide selection of rental cars will fit to your every need, whether your visiting Oahu with your friends, or on a relaxing vacation with your family, Honolulu Discount Cars has got you covered.


Get free transportation from or your hotel to our HQ when you rent with us!

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Premium Service

Our affordable rates for car rentals include free unlimited mileage on your vehicle as well as an island map for easy travels around the island. Check out our cheap rates and rent a car with Honolulu Discount Car Rental!

Hotel Pickup

Nothing is more comforting than knowing how you’re getting to and from your hotel. Among our car services, we offer hotel pickup and drop-off for a small fee so our guests can rest easy knowing they have transportation wherever they go.

Locally Owned and Operated

Spreading Aloha to everyone visiting the islands is our main priority. If you know you have a vacation in Honolulu coming up and you need to rent a car for getting around during your stay, please don’t hesitate to call us and book your car rental. .

Experience everything Oahu has to offer

Contact us to find out more about our selection of cars and ask us about getting free pick from the airport or your hotel.

Call Now (808)-924-6500

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